secure sockets layer



1·Forms authentication isn't very strong if it's not protected by secure sockets layer (SSL).


2·For Web-based E-mail like Gmail or Yahoo mail, you can use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption.


3·SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), a widely used security protocol in the net, can provide security guarantee for Internet communications.


4·This process is safe and it reuses your team's existing skills: IPsec for site-to-site and Secure Sockets Layer in the cloud segments.

这个过程很安全,而且利用了您的团队的已有技能:站点到站点的IPsec,以及云环境的Secure Sockets Layer。

5·First, if Secure Sockets Layer connectivity is used there should be a reduction in the estimated number of supported Concurrent users.

首先,如果使用的是Secure Sockets Layer连通性,支持的Concurrent用户评估数量将会减少。

6·Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol is a cryptographic protocol that provides privacy and security for data communication over the network.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)协议是一种加密协议,可为网络上的数据通信提供隐私和安全保障。

7·We use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to processs your transactions in order to keep your information confidential during any online financial transaction with us.


8·SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a protocol that operates between the Transport and Application Layers of TCP/IP and secures communications between the client and the server.


9·For Web sites that process payment transactions, the Web server also supports secure Sockets Layer (SSL), the Internet protocol for transmitting and receiving information securely over the Internet.


更新时间:2025-03-30 07:35