1·In Greek mythology, Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, was born from sea foam.
2·I was staggering along the street, which was strewn with sand and seaweed, and with flying blotches of sea foam.
3·Snow, sand and sea foam reflect ultraviolet light, the report notes, and thinning ozone filters out less and less of it.
4·When you see a small mermaid prince to love, gave up a three hundred years of life, into the sea foam, I could not help tears.
5·A beach house patio is coated in sea foam in Nags Head, Virginia, after a drenching, wind-driven rain lashed much of the Atlantic seaboard.
6·In case of a continuous surf islands are surrounded with a wide band of sea foam saturated with green algae that are so loved by the birds.
7·His wedding morning would bring death to her, and she would change into the foam of the sea.
8·TUCKED between the Tombigbee river and a rural highway meandering north from Mobile sits a warren of huge buildings in Willy Wonka-colours: sea-foam blue and green, desert beige and mauve.
9·With white claws of foam the sea grabbled at the shore.
10·We empathize with the little men but the best thing about the painting is the way that Turner, using his vigorous brush, with white foam, creates the sense of a swirling enveloping sea.