russian Orthodox



1·Russian Orthodox Church in my neighbourhood.


2·Kremlin artisans would sew the most valuable of these fabrics into ecclesiastical garments for leaders of the Russian Orthodox Church.

克里姆林宫的手艺人就用这些最昂贵的纺织品为俄罗斯正教会(the Russian Orthodox Church)首领缝制教会衣服。

3·Several Russian Orthodox Priests had also travelled to the island to consecrate the memorial stone. Mr Anisimov said: 'We flew to the station by helicopter.


4·The first public figure to address the Russian people was Kirill, the patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, who is extremely active in all state matters.


5·In the Russian Orthodox world, many will miss the prelate who oversaw the church's revival after acting, in his early life, as a loyal servant of the Soviet state.


6·Eastern Orthodox, the Greek Orthodox, the Russian Orthodox, they do not forbid their priests from being married, but you have to be married before you become a priest.


7·The Russian legacy lives on in the abandoned Russian Orthodox churches dotted around town, and a former synagogue is now an excellent museum covering Harbin's Jewish past.


8·We get a good view of the capital's 13th-century city walls and turrets and the onion-shaped dome of the Alexander Nevsky Russian Orthodox church as we drive in along the coast road.


9·Kostya spent two weeks in the refugee shelter in Gander before he was claimed by Father Nikita, a Russian Orthodox priest who operated a halfway house for Russian refugees in Toronto.


10·A Russian Orthodox believer plunges into icy waters in celebration of the Epiphany holiday in Kolpino, close to St. Petersburg, on January 19, 2011. AFP/ Getty Images / Kirill Kudryavtsev
