1·The liquids employed for rocket propulsion are called propergols.
2·It is laid in the sea bottom and will rise to surface with its rocket propulsion.
3·Gel propellant is a new kind of propellant for rocket propulsion and other gas generator.
4·The accelerating development of the space technology and the rocket weapon technology calls for increasingly high reliability of the rocket propulsion system.
5·This paper attempts to analyse the tendency to develop liquid propellant rocket propulsion technology according to the requirements o launch vehicles and spacecrafts.
6·To overcome the difficulties on acquiring enough fault modes from ground and flight test data, the failure process for liquid propellant rocket propulsion systems was modeled.
7·Propulsion is provided by a rocket engine, rather than a propeller and rudder, which makes steering difficult.
8·One might think that fusion propulsion requires some exotic fuel to propel a rocket a million-or-so-times more energetically than standard chemical fuels.
9·What You'll Learn: What will make up the future of rocket-propulsion systems!
10·As part of this exploration plan, 2015 is now the deadline for finalizing a heavy-lift rocket design, and there will be renewed focus on advanced propulsion systems and other technologies.