1·Sluice valves are to be of a non-rising stem type and to have solid wedge discs.
2·The rising stem design incorporates a graduated positioning for throttling service.
3·The Fig. 1710 Balancing valve is a non-rising stem design incorporating a parabolic (plug) shaped disc.
4·The invention relates to a knife-shaped gate valve, in particular to a rising stem knife-shaped gate valve.
5·This arrangement combined with the feature of a non-rising stem assures a positive seal against either steam or water.
6·The extension includes handwheel, non-rising stem, fittings and extensions to allow remote operation normally from above.
7·Rising Stem: Valves shall be Class 125 and 200 psi CWP, rising stem, union bonnet, solid wedge and manufactured in accordance with MSS-SP 80.
8·A floorstand for handwheel actuated valves allows operation from above. Included is handwheel, non-rising stem, fittings, extension, and floorstand with gate position indicator.
9·Most of these threats stem from the rising risk of default by some countries in the euro zone and the knock-on damage to the European Banks that hold their bonds.
10·In addition, the team goes on to show that implantation of the stem cell-derived tissue stops glucose levels rising excessively in the animals.