1·The packaging layer packages the half-ring shaped magnetic material of the second part into an integral body.
所述的第二部分的 磁材为半环形状,所述的封装层将磁材封装成一个整体;
2·The invention is applicable to traffic indicator board, large information display board and ring shaped movie theater etc.
可应用于交通指示牌、大型场合信息显示板及环 形电影院等方面。
3·This digital style watch displays the time in a unique fashion. In a ring shaped display, the hours are displayed as Numbers while the minutes are displayed in segments.
4·Considering practical ring shaped heating furnace of a certain company, a threedimensional heat transfer mathematic model for tube rounds heating process was established.
5·Using different refractive index distributions, the phenomena of plasma waveguide and the application of a ring shaped beam in the manipulation of particles are discussed, separately.
6·Cakes and other baked goods are commonly served from Christmas to New Year's around the world, with a special emphasis placed on round or ring-shaped items.
7·Or there might be black rings, which would simply be ring-shaped.
8·Mexican and Greek New Year's traditions both involve ring-shaped cakes with goodies hidden inside.
9·Mexican and Greek New Year’s traditions both involve ring-shaped cakes with goodies hidden inside.
10·Rather than using rubber hoses to connect the stationary and moving parts of the building, 3sixty's ingenious plumbing system employs horizontal ring-shaped pipes made of steel.