1·This yields a true separation of concerns, enabling the repurposing of software components.
2·The lifeblood of Web 2.0 is in liberal use, reuse, repurposing, and combining of information streams.
Web 2.0的源泉就是信息流的自由使用、重用、再用和综合。
3·It may be the ultimate recycling project: taking retired shipping containers and repurposing them as buildings.
4·Throughout history some of the greatest technological breakthroughs have come via repurposing old technologies for new USES.
5·The project is designed as an adaptive reuse project around an existing shed structure, repurposing all of the existing structure.
6·So a repurposing of roles, facilitated by cloud, creates growth opportunities through increased efficiency and diversifying of services.
7·In Chile, connecting to the community has inspired the repurposing of an existing golf clubhouse on the property into an education centre for youth.
8·It offers the highest quality and fastest desktop encoding for content repurposing for distribution to Web, DVD, mobile phones and portable devices.
9·Bring more focus on specific reuse and repurposing of educational content, both within teams and across teams, as well as across functional boundaries.
10·Use someone's email answer to you as a post - how about flipping the last idea on it's head and repurposing an email that someone else sent you as a guest post on your blog?