1·As many have figured out... calling Dell for replacement part was pointless.
2·It is a lot easier to match replacement parts if you have the old part with you.
3·We will send the replacement part or the repaired part back to you in a timely manner.
4·The battery-backup cache device, replacement part number (FRU) 90P5245, is defective: controller 1, Error code: 31
电池备份缓存有故障,更换备件号(FRU) 90P5245,控制器1,错误代码:31。
5·The second material is substantially identical to the material of a region of the equipment on which the replacement part is mounted.
第二材料基本上相同于安装置换部件的装置内一个区域的材 料。
6·The first and second regions are either directly or indirectly joined by solid state welding to form a unitary fluid conducting replacement part.
7·Since replacement costs are only part of the profits, net profits are higher.
8·The replace function USES three arguments: the first is the text to modify, the second is the regular expression that matches the part to be replaced, and the third is the replacement string.
9·The second part of the OpenChange project is to provide a transparent replacement for the Microsoft Exchange Server.
OpenChange项目的第二部分是提供Microsoft Exchange Server的一个透明替换。
10·Even though they can subsequently be un-done (known as reverting), both the changes and the replacement code that undoes those changes are a permanent part of project history.