1·Make application plans, and prepare relevant works and collect various materials.
2·Make application plans, and prepare relevant works concerning collect various materials.
3·Support Retail Head to check the financial process and other relevant works between stores and all functional departments.
4·Relevant works can be well adapted into starting-points for further research, and can serve as guidelines in fields such as software engineering, education, linguistics, etc.
5·Of course, not every work created during a given era reflects the primary concerns of that era, but I'm sure you can name many other relevant works for each of the concerns and decades listed.
6·This paper takes the works of breakwater apron as an example to introduce the construction technique of bagged concrete and relate the important matters, which will help us with relevant works.
7·Wikisource is arranged around an Index of Works and an Index of Authors which along with the search box helps us to drill down to any relevant text.
8·So while new hardware is in the works, it should be compatible with whatever you're using now—cable or satellite boxes, with all relevant subscriptions.
9·Advertising that is relevant, familiar and consistent is what works best at reinforcing a brand in the consumer's mind.
10·The relevant units shall be responsible for constructing works for sheltering their own employees, goods and materials.