1·At the same time, family farms and gradually expand the scale of operation, gradually reduce the number of family farms.
2·The scale of the TSLF raises concerns that the Fed, in its attempt to reduce liquidity risk, is taking on too much credit risk.
3·As seen in these examples, using SOA techniques can substantially reduce the costs of implementing a HIN in any scale.
4·It might also reduce the need for antitrust enforcement by counteracting data aggregators' desire to grow ever bigger in order to reap economies of scale.
5·He believes that a combination of economies of scale and specialisation can radically reduce the cost of heart surgery.
6·We will discuss how eXtreme Scale can potentially reduce the impact of a full or partial site restart for end users.
我们将讨论 eXtreme Scale 如何减少重启全部或部分网站对终端用户的影响。
7·And besides, though carbon markets do now exist, they have yet to demonstrate an ability to reduce emissions in a big way, and their large-scale expansion currently looks highly unlikely.
8·We are issuing these guidelines to help countries and communities scale-up the services needed to reduce new infections and save lives.
9·By integrating the testers into a large-scale enterprise development project, you can reduce the cost of test-lab management.
10·Implemented at a wide scale, WHO's new recommendations will improve the health of people living with HIV, reduce the number of new HIV infections and save lives.