1·Since this is the recommended practice, you should leave the setting unchanged.
2·However, the recommended practice is to save state data as the data changes.
3·Although this seems to work with some tubes, it is not a recommended practice.
4·In general, it is a recommended practice to assess volatility and volume with the same basis.
5·Showing an alert is not a recommended practice if you are developing a Web page for production use.
如果您正在为产品使用开发一个 Web 页面,并不推荐使用警告的练习。
6·You can also add unit tests to the master test suite, although it is not a recommended practice.
7·SNT-TC-1A Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing
SNT-TC-1A 关于无损测试作业人员资格认定与证书的意见
8·The use of lang files in writing modules and plug-ins is optional, but a good recommended practice to follow.
9·The modifications made to the recommended practice are intended to suit all clients and potential clients' needs.
10·We are going to assume that you will be relying on the SI Buses entirely, which at this point, is the recommended practice.