re engineering

n. 企业再造;再造工程;重建
v. 再设计;重新建造(reengineer 的 ing 形式)


1·Workflow management technology plays an important role in business process re engineering (BPR) and business process automation.


2·We have seen their response in such initiatives as corporate downsizing, outsourcing, re engineering, enterprise resource planning (ERP), and others.

他们通过在许多方面采取一系列举措来解决这一问题,例如缩小公司规模、外包、再工程、企业资源规划 (ERP) 等等。

3·In this article, we analyzed the typical phase of PDDP, process mode and department flow, then analyzed the feasibility and advantage of re engineering.


4·He dismisses a lot of the work of re-engineering consultants as mere rubbish.


5·Leonard Schlesinger, a Harvard academic and former chief executive of Au Bong Pain, a rapidly growing chain of bakery cafes, says that much "re-engineering" has been crude.

纳德·施莱辛格是哈佛大学学者及发展迅速的烘焙咖啡连锁店 Au Bong Pain 的前首席执行官,他表示,很多“再设计”都很粗糙。

6·You can collect the data models by re-engineering and integrating source data models.


7·A business process re-engineering effort at a large enterprise is a complex undertaking that may take several years and involve many people and many IT systems.


8·This approach enables organizations to support iterative process re-engineering through a continuous business process improvement cycle.


9·It ACTS as an integrating device for a variety of often disconnected corporate programmes, such as quality, re-engineering, process redesign and customer service.


10·But even if a re-engineering of the euro zone is possible, such measures are for the longer term, to avoid a repetition of the crisis in the future.
