1·Ray and sister Renee lived just 25 miles apart from each other.
—— 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
2·Flash will kill Blu-ray and HD DVD.
闪存将干掉Blu - ray和HD dvd。
3·Thecombination of this unusual X-ray and optical emission makes this aremarkable object.
4·Mark creates the meeting with Ray and Daria as required attendees and the rest as optional.
在创建会议时,Mark 将 Ray 和 Daria 标为必需的参与者。
5·The combination of this unusual X-ray and optical emission makes this a remarkable object.
6·Ray and I are announcing today Ray's intention to step down from his role as chief software architect.
7·Blu-ray and HD DVD are similar in technology. Both use a blue laser to read the information on the disc.
8·Ray and Ruth now get on well when they travel together. He decides which route they will take and he navigates.
9·Many people got their first look at the telephone, typewriter, X-ray and even the ice cream cone at an expo or fair.
10·plans to announce next week a single videodisc that can play films and television programs in both Blu-ray and HD-DVD
并计划下周于推出既能看电影又能看电视的视频播放器, 推出的应当是影碟,而非影碟机吧?