1·Rate scale to indicate traffic rate value.
2·Viewers were invited to visit a website and, after giving a few biographical details, to view a series of 20 pictures and rate each of them for disgustingness on a scale of one to five.
3·But he says that the study's hypothesis seems plausible: "we see a lot of changes happening in the Arctic, and changes at a rate and scale that we have not seen before."
4·So, if we added an extra five statements or parameters to each element, we’d rate each on a 10-point scale.
5·There was no difference in the rate of cognitive change on a test called the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale or any of the other tests the patients were subjected to.
6·The subjects rate whether the picture is a moral violation on a scale of 1 to 5.
7·But the sheer scale of rate cuts over the past three months is helping many indebted households.
8·To give an idea of the scale, the default rate in 1933 was 15.4%; in the early 1990s recession, it reached 12%.
9·Widespread concern at Spain's unemployment rate of almost 20% might drain support for large-scale action.
10·At its current rate of metro and road construction, India is headed for gridlock on a massive scale.