1·Owing to space limitation or in case of lifting materials at large slope, raised edge conveyor belt is often used to prevent scatter of conveyed material.
2·SHOULDER: Defect found on rib or outer diameter; a raised edge on rib face caused by grinding wheel; raised surface at either end of outer diameter raceway.
3·The trend raised local concerns that the US may lose its competitive edge in science, technology and other fields.
4·Compared with traditional technology, the present invention has the advantages of shortened etching time, raised etching efficiency, regular edge of resistance stripes and high graph quality.
5·Through edge detection and pixel subdivision technique, the accuracy of measurement has been raised.
6·When alert, the rear part of the set-on is raised while the front edge of the ear remains close to the head.
7·The two problems raised above can be resolved with a gateway on the network edge.
8·Difference between the angles of edge projections and the angles of the intersections of surfaces and coordinate planes are raised in this paper.
9·The rising of the sun was noble in the cold and warmth of it peeping down the spread of light , he raised his shoulder heavily over the edge of grey mountain and wavering length of upland.
10·A raised margin along an edge used to confine or strengthen.