1·For example, state budget cuts force universities to raise tuition, cap enrollment, and cut academic programs.
2·Congress seems determined that a proposed cap-and-trade system for carbon emissions, which Mr Obama was counting on to raise hundreds of billions of dollars, will raise only a fraction of that.
3·After all, a cap-and-trade system would in effect be a tax on carbon (though Mr. McCain apparently doesn't know that), and really would raise energy prices.
4·The bill would likely raise the liability cap on the cost of oil spills from $75 million to $10 billion or more.
5·The authorities plan to raise reimbursement for rural patients up to more than 65 percent and to make sure that medical payment cap is six folds of average farmer income.
6·The replacement ratio is the main factor for the increase of proportion of pile bearing load, and the main way is to raise the replacement ratio of piles and the size of the pile cap.