1·Dale helped the girl to stand up and said, "Cheer up! We may lose the race but we shouldn't give up! Let's work together to finish the race!"
2·Unfortunately, this is one race the whole world can lose.
3·They fear that they will engage in a race to the bottom with rivals unencumbered by the fine feelings of shareholders and domestic customers, and so are bound to lose.
4·In the rat race, they try every means to stay on the top, and the fear to lose the game inevitably wrecks their peace of mind.
5·You will lose control of your race car after the first lap. With training, you lower the likelihood of these accidents and you become fitter and more capable of finishing the race.
6·And, getting third in the 200-meter freestyle four years ago, you know when I do lose in a race like that, circumstance like that, it motivates me to swim faster.
7·But the arrival of the Tesla shows that Germany could still lose the race.
8·With austerity packages kicking in across much of the rich world, it is a race many buildings will lose.
9·To get the most out of acclimatization, your indoor runs should be as close as possible to your race because you do lose the benefits you gain if you don't maintain the heat exposure.
10·But keep in mind that for every second you go out toofast in the first half of your race, you'll lose double that amount oftime in the second half of your race.