1·Heart, became almost deprived of his senses and slow, middling and quick motion.
2·To move upward or forward in a single quick motion or a series of such motions; leap.
3·The central meaning shared by these verbs is . to move with a sudden short, quick motion.
4·She sat calmly and with dignity, but, almost imperceptibly, she made a quick motion with her right hand.
5·Regardless of the cause, stress sets in motion certain automatic changes in the body that are designed to give it a quick burst of energy.
无论何种原因,压力使得我们在快速爆发能量的身体方面发生某些必然的变化。 这种变化模式被称作“战斗或逃跑”响应。
6·As with the shuttle, Orion astronauts will practice ascents in a full-motion simulator that forces them to make quick decisions about whether or not to abort a mission.
7·This should give you a quick way to evaluate whether or not the skinning looks good in motion.
8·High proper motion normally indicates a nearby star, so displaying proper motion labels is a quick way of spotting such stars.
9·The pistons of the upper and lower hydraulic cylinder make reciprocating motion alternatively to realize on-load continuous rise (drop) and quick operation.
10·Looking for a simple, quick demonstration of forces and acceleration in circle motion?