1·Unless you have an asymmetric set-up, in which case the client can POST and/or PUT its order somewhere on the server.
除非你有一个不对称的设置,在这种情况下客户端可以 POST 和/或 PUT 它的订单到服务器的某处。
2·You tell the receptionist that you are expecting a call from this client and to put them through.
3·You could simply put it in your J2EE application code and wait until an application client request first comes in for your application.
4·If a client wants to put a video player on their home page that auto-plays even though your experience shows that website users hate this, you should spend some time to argue against it.
5·To put it all together, you need to modify both the service and client implementations to send and receive attachments.
6·Put the bridge DLL(s) into an arbitrary place on the client machine.
把桥的 DLL 文件放在客户机机器上的任意位置。
7·Put very simply, when a client calls your process, you can think of it as an interface partner that called you.
8·For example, if a client asked to put their order on hold, you could suspend the process for seven days, or until a specific date and time.
9·For applications to make the same call, independent of which client they are putting messages to, the message can be put using the alias of the remote queue definition.
10·You put your copywriting partner in touch with your client and recommend their services. Then, ask your copywriting partner to agree upon a referral commission.