1·In other words, pure blood.
2·The history of the great nation, is entirely due to racial mixing and destruction caused by pure blood.
3·Just because friendship is too short and too rare, so every pure blood will cherish this god-given friendship, this is nobles' sadness and happiness.
4·He'd have loved to think the scratches on the stone were a coat of arms, because as far as he was concerned, having pure blood made you practically royal.
5·Hagrid: See the thing is, Harry, there are some wizards, like the Malfoy family, who think they're better than others because they're what people call pure blood.
6·According to the different natures and contain health lesions of how many can be expressed to the naked eye, including pure blood blood clots and under mirror of blood.
7·Bamboo salt inflammation, antibacterial ability is incomparable accessories and other food, Bamboo salt can quickly, completely eradicating body toxin, pure blood, purification.
8·These rules are another way to help keep the blood supply pure.
9·Contrary to widespread prejudices in favor of keeping Japan “pure, ” we desperately need to dilute our blood.
10·As of 2005, the last remaining speaker and pure-blood member of the Yaghan tribe was an elderly woman named Cristina Calderon.