1·Bag type: pillow bag, Corner folded standing bag, Punch hole bag.
2·For example, if you rarely use the hole punch, store it in the office supplies drawer.
3·Two spider-webbed bullet holes cracked the smooth surface of the wall-sized mirror behind the bar. A third whizzed by Timko's brow, to punch a hole in the stuffed buffalo head mounted on the wall.
4·Anyone who has been vegan for more than a minute has probably encountered some jerk attempting to punch a hole in your argument for veganism with gems like "Don't you care about plants?"
5·Punch a hole in the middle of the paper cover where the hole of the spool is. Now your hole should run through the paper, spool, and cardboard without any obstructions.
6·Use a three-hole punch and three 1-1/4 inch brads.
7·Hole punch clouds: This picture taken of Rural West Virgina shows cloud cover to the top left.
8·Heymsfield and colleagues flew smack-dab into the hole-punch discovery after having conducted a cloud study from a heavily instrumented turboprop plane near Denver International Airport in 2007.
9·Most likely it was what is known as a hole-punch cloud.
10·The cloud's round shape is likely what is known as a hole-punch cloud.