publication time



1·The orderby parameter specifies how to sort these results: by popularity (viewCount), language, user rating (rating) or publication time (published).

orderby 参数指定如何对这些结果进行排序:根据受欢迎程度(viewCount)、语言、用户评分(rating)或发布日期(published)。

2·When translation publication time arrives, the 3 Speakers are eventually guided by the Eieyani Priests to find each other and work together, each endorsing the validity of the others work.


3·Biographer Claire Tomalin takes this further. "Any journal that is intended for publication - even in 100 years' time - is probably in some way compromised."


4·At the time of publication, Bill Fleckenstein owned gold bullion and gold futures.


5·Please note that this table is accurate as of the time of publication, but that work to discover and collect more remote statistics is ongoing.


6·At the time of this publication, the C-RUP team is finalizing the solution design and development activities, with feedback from user testing and reviews.

在本文发表时,C - RUP团队正处于方案设计和开发活动的最后阶段,接收着用户测试和评论的反馈。

7·This publication is equivalent to the entry of a new book in the library catalog at the time of arrival.


8·The ideas espoused by Hume were extremely controversial at the time of publication, although his proposed ideas are still looked upon in an unfavorable light.


9·We do not censor our news, but from time to time we may remove or significantly delay the publication of some identifying details from original documents to protect life and limb of innocent people.


10·Mrs Traxel plans to write a book about her time with the Chiracs, which is due for publication next February.

特拉克塞尔夫人计划写本书来记述她与希拉克一家共度的那段时光。 这本书计划于明年二月出版发行。

更新时间:2025-03-26 15:11