1·If an application creates a thread pool and the thread pool creates threads, the threads are resources that must be released (allowed to terminate) before the program can exit.
2·Through the endPresenceNotification(Correlator) Web service call, your program can terminate the notification request specified by the correlator, thus you will stop receiving future notifications.
通过 endPresenceNotification(Correlator) Web 服务调用,您的程序可以终止 correlator 指定的通知请求,从而停止接收以后的通知。
3·If the program has not fully executed when you are done debugging, select the Terminate option from the context menu in the debug view.
4·Hence, if you visit Verse 00 of Chapter 21h of the Tome of Ralf you may just find out why your program appears to terminate without having actually appeared to have done anything.
5·If all the Recipient's rights under this Agreement terminate, Recipient agrees to cease the use and distribution of the Program as soon as reasonably practicable.