1·When confronted with the source code of some unknown legacy system, how can an engineer know what grouping of software elements will produce some meaningful description of the architecture?
2·He lists nine tools that produce different metrics and perspectives on your source code and gives a brief description of each tool.
3·Typically, this means starting with a WSDL description of a provider, and using the Web services wizard to produce the artifacts.
4·VHDL, however, can make effective description of the digital system and enable logical synthesis to produce high design density.
5·Functions of logic synthesis are to transform and optimize the combinational logic functions and produce the pure logic level structural description.
6·The content description needs to be clear-cut and precise. Avoid the lengthy language or produce different meanings.
7·Sometimes rewriting the job description can produce dramatically better results in terms of Numbers and quality of applicants.
8·Detailed analyze structured video content and model of video content, discuss the key problem of presentation of video information, metadata description of content and the produce of description etc.
9·We will improve quality and raise description of the product, expand the management and innovate constantly, produce the better sealing material and the others so approve of difference customer.
10·Product images and description only for reference purpose, so please see the subject produce.