1·Prior to 1965 geologists assumed that the two giant rock plates meeting at the San Andreas Fault generate heat through friction as they grind past each otherd.
2·At the moment, candidates are selected on a fairly narrow set of criteria such as prior academic and career performance, and analytical and problem-solving abilities.
3·Prior bonuses are also at risk from punitive tax proposals.
4·The matched function is like our prior visitor functions but takes a node type to search for at the beginning.
5·To solve this problem, modules can declare their dependency requirements so that, at runtime, they can be checked prior to execution.
6·However, no prior study had looked at the effect it may have on human skin.
7·This led the hotel chain to identify multiple issues of varying severity and address these customer relationship management issues prior to launching the new site at the start of 2009.
8·But even prior to the FIFA ranking system, favorites have tended to underperform at the World Cup.
9·Mr Browne’s 26-year career at BP prior to becoming chief executive is dispensed with in 42 pages.
10·Prior to version 2.0, patterns mapped to a specific virtual image at the pattern level.