1·End Users - the primary consumer of the application.
2·The business world should start to see Twitter as one of the primary consumer communication channels available.
3·NET is the primary consumer of this feature, it is likely that more source generators will make use of it.
4·The diagrams below assume two organizations within a large enterprise, with one as a primary provider and the other a primary consumer.
5·They get involved by looking at advertising and really critically assessing the consumer behavior aspects of it and getting involved sometimes, doing primary research.
6·They get involved by looking at advertising and really critically assessing the consumer behavior aspects of it and getting involved sometimes doing primary research.
7·But even so we may see more of a focus on 'real world' problems from now on and a move away from consumer apps as the primary focus.
8·We realized that almost all - maybe all - of future consumer electronics, the primary technology was going to be software.
9·Less-powerful systems should be capable of using of the code presented here, as sndpeek is the primary resource consumer and is an efficient program.
10·Much less-powerful systems should be easily capable of making use of the code presented in this article, as sndpeek is the primary resource consumer and is an efficient program.
配置不如它的系统应当也能够轻松地使用本文中提供的代码,因为 sndpeek 是主要的资源消耗者,而它是一个极为高效的程序。