1·But I did not write the notice has been out the previous period.
2·If not, then we could see back to 0.8535/40 level, a previous period of consolidation.
如若不能,则我们有望看到该货币对回升至0.8535/40 – 之前盘整区域。
3·This is not surprising: today's fiscal deficits exceed those of any previous period, in peacetime.
4·Taurians led a secluded life throughout the previous period. They gathered strength, experience and knowledge.
5·Glucose and fructose are the main sugars in the previous period of fruit development, and sucrose is the main sugar in mature fruits.
6·This year, the Heng w. rapid arterial road will evolve an engineering previous period job and anticipate to finish construction in 2013.
7·Between 2003 and 2007, average income worldwide grew at a faster rate (3.1 percent) than in any previous period in recorded human history.
8·Assets under management grew to $41.6 billion in the third quarter from $35.3 billion at the end of the previous period, the company said.
9·Chain index an index number derived by relating the value at any given period to the value in the previous period rather than to a fixed base.
10·If it is not feasible to adjust the comparative data of the previous period, the reason for failure of adjustment shall be disclosed in the notes.