1·This is a pressing machine.
2·The flat pressing machine is used for the food bag packaging of hot pot flavouring.
本实用新型应 用于火锅底料食品袋包装。
3·YP1000 M Flat-pressing Machine is a special mainly used in gluing tape for paper plate.
4·The manufacturing method comprises the steps of using a pressing machine to press the material into the shell body;
制造上述灯头采用的方 法为:首先使用压机将原材料冲压制成壳体;
5·This equipment is isopressing one. The principle is consistent with one of the present hot isostatic pressing machine.
6·A flat pressing machine for food packaging bags relates to a packaging machine for food, particularly hot pot flavouring.
7·Model YG-1200 paper pressing machine is the ideal equipment used for the fine surface processing of printed matters at Present.
YG - 1200压光机是目前国内外对印刷品进行表面精细加工的理想设备。
8·The working principle of continuous pressing machine and the main factors that influenced the thickness of the board are analyzed.
9·Chris King, from Doncaster, lost both his hands, apart from the thumbs, in an accident involving a metal pressing machine at work three years ago.
10·These factors are: the fiber-gypsum ratio, the layer height of material, the speed of continuous pressing machine and the pressure of main pressure rollers.