1·High risk project approval must be safe production as a pre condition.
2·A full understanding of the characteristics of physical education is a pre condition of its "teaching according to the material..."
3·Pre-compute CASE condition and IF THEN ELSE conditions and jump into the right branch right away.
预先计算CASE条件和IF THEN ELSE条件,并立即跳至适当的分支。
4·Aboolian was said to be concerned about a pre-existing condition West had.
5·When the product arrives at its destination, someone would take the packaging material, print it on an agar plate [a petri dish] and then grow the bacteria under a pre-arranged growth condition.
6·Transparency: The pre - and post-condition code isn't mixed with business logic.
7·Lincoln fought off death for nine hours - hardly within the ability of a man with a pre-existing condition.
8·Of course the expertise is very important. But good communication is the pre-condition that others can find your ability.
9·The new law includes new rules to prevent insurance companies from denying coverage to children under the age of 19 due to a pre-existing condition.
10·Understanding the business model of your organization and, at a minimum, its high-level business processes is a pre-condition for commencing the enterprise architecture implementation.