1·If it took, say, a month to fix any problems identified as a section cooled, each cycle would postpone the start date by three months.
2·But, if there is still no real idea middleman, I will become the date of house to postpone rather 2009!
但是,如果仍然没有真正的意中人,我宁愿将成家的日期推迟到2009 !
3·Let's postpone our date for dinner, if you don't mind.
4·Because "now" is the only moment we have, and, whether you're afar or close to your partner, you can chose to enjoy "the now" or postpone the enjoyment for some future date.
5·We agree to postpone the shipping date, considering (that) there is no steamer recently.
6·AA Corporation is entitled to postpone the agreed date of delivery free of charge and liability by informing thereof at the latest seven (7) days prior to the agreed date of delivery.
7·We regret having to inform you that we have to postpone the delivery date agreed for your current order. For this reason please be informed we will accept your eventual claims.
8·If you don't mind, I want to postpone our date until tomorrow.
9·We agree to postpone the shipping date, considering (that) there is nosteamerrecently.
10·Because our factory has confronted unexpected difficulties when producing the goods ordered, please ask your clients to postpone the date of delivery to the end of next month.