1·Pleas quote us FOB London for 100 reams of good quality white poster paper.
2·Will you please quote for the supply of approximately 100 reams of good quality white poster paper.
3·That is because those photos give you goals, you should create a "dream board" by pasting these photos, along with pictures of yourself onto a piece of cardboard or poster paper.
4·My classmates and I would get big sheets of paper, poster size, and write all sorts of things and put them up in the classrooms and hallways.
5·A Paper or Poster Scroll - roll it up and put a rubber band around it. It's ready for storage.
6·A display case to the right of the poster will hold a brown paper bag marked "Patient's Belongings."
7·Promotional pamphlet, Brochure, Poster, Menu, Tablemat, Memo, Coaster, Paper fan, Other paper premiums.
8·Class time used wisely and handed in on time Create a paper containing the following: Give a detail workflow for each requirement on each poster.
9·This paper presents a novel method of automatic video poster generation to meet the above two goals.
10·This paper focused on the research of image and artistic conception of poster art.