1·The post modem treachery of the post eighties and their awkward encounter have very close connection with the age of consumerism.
2·The thought trend in the work ran through his art creation and life, thus made Duchamp be the forerunner of western post modem art.
3·Only with this denial could one understand the deep meaning the post-modem sociology of educations concern for the significance of human existence.
4·While Duchamp's influence upon modem design roots in his unreasonable anti-art mind, which has enlightened the post-modernistic design.
5·Product warranty logistics is a new concept that can maximize the post-sale service and minimize the cost by using the ideas, methodology and technology of modem logistics management.
6·There is intertextuality between the Hours, with distinct features of post-modem novel and Mrs. Dalloway the modem classic.
7·Finally, I'll write about the turning to Post-modem Feminism.
8·Other" is an indispensable term in post-modem translation theory."