1·Then, as now, the logic seemed unassailable. While the western world was stuck in the post-crash doldrums, the Japanese economy had got back on track with apparent ease.
2·The World Bank, in its first project dedicated solely to road safety, is supporting efforts to improve road engineering, policing, public road safety education, and post-crash response.
3·Since July, GM has implemented a post-crash protocol that includes the depowering of the battery after a severe crash, returning the battery to a safe and low-powered state.
4·And business head Duffy's post-crash decision to cancel the company's legendary holiday party shows he's not afraid to make the tough calls.
5·Developers can write error logs from their experimental kernels prior to a crash, then link and boot up from a working NWSSTGand link to the NWSSTG with the error log for post mortem examination.
开发人员可以遭遇失败之前,在他们的实验性内核中写下错误日志,从链接到 NWSSTG 的正运行的 NWSSTGand 进行链接和引导,而这个 NWSSTG 包含用于事后分析检查的错误日志。
6·Stock market investors may anticipate a replay of that post-crash world.
7·Didn't your wife have a crash? That's right. She drove it in to a lamp post.
8·Fuel system leaks and spills were present in 62% of the motorcycle accidents in the post-crash phase. This represents an undue hazard for fire.
9·I could post the whole list here but I don't want to crash any servers.
10·Briefly, it has been observed that many variables can influence the magnitude and threat of a post-crash fire.