1·The wind pocket cover is opened in hot day to make the natural wind entered to the people head through the outer shell and the inner liner. People can feel cool.
2·The wind pocket cover is closed in cold day or in raining and the wind and rain can not enter. The improved motorcycle helmet has the advantages of simple structure and practicality.
3·Many Regional Committees addressed the severe problem of reliance on out-of-pocket payment to cover health care costs.
4·As hedge funds and other deep-pocket players unload stock to cover margin calls from their brokers, the market falls further, forcing others to sell.
5·There inside he found a beautiful gold pocket watch. Running his fingers slowly over the finely etched casing, he unlatched the cover.
6·The father tried to hide the little bag in his pocket and cover it with his hands, so that his daughter couldn’t take it.
7·The customer who cashed a checkto cover anticipated cash expenditures may later redeposit any currency stillheld that's beyond normal pocket money needs.
8·We got the cover of the pocket, but we cannot see the pocket, because it's inside.
9·Reaching into her pocket she pulled out a wad of Yen large enough to cover AT LEAST three times the cost of their meal.
10·The $4.50 entrance fee to his museum, which occupies an 18th-century house, does not cover the cost of operations, so Mr. Li subsidizes it from his own pocket.