1·Only little crosses in the plot area.
2·This project located at Fu Shan District of Yantai. Total plot area is 4ha.
3·Choose this option to edit the style properties for the plot area of the chart.
4·The church has a linear plan intended to occupy the maximum plot area and in turn provide the maximum capacity.
5·For example, axes, tick marks, and gridlines have been subdued to allow the data in the plot area to stand out more.
6·By using the design method of integral layout with courtyard type, the campus is minimized the plot area and forms more outdoor activities space.
7·Focuses had sign of the patch shaped low-density areas and high-density plot area scattered in them. They all had mass effect in different degree.
8·Securing natural light and privacy was one of the primary concerns, especially because of the housing building on the south faces its Windows towards the plot area.
9·The Chart control by default will choose an automatic minimum and maximum for a value axis that will make all the data points visible and leave a little bit of margin around the plot area.
10·A case study on the effect of different plot area on forest gap model simulation was conducted with forest gap model NEWCOP in broad leaved Korean pine forests at Changbai Mt. of Northeastern China.