piezoelectric element

[电子] 压电元件
[电子] 压电元件


1·A piezoelectric element is appressed with the impacting object.


2·The charge potential is then applied to a second electrode (113) of the piezoelectric element (102).


3·When the impacting object is impacted, an electromotive force is generated by the vibrating of the piezoelectric element.


4·There is at least one piezoelectric element incorporated in the package or device and the piezoelectric element generates a source of voltage when it is activated.

存在被引入包装或器具中的至少一个压电元件,且压电元件在被 激活时产生电压源。

5·The drive mechanism, which uses the sharp deformation of piezoelectric element to produce inertia impact force, is called as piezoelectric inertial impact actuator.


6·The pattern region of each layer constituting at least the piezoelectric element (300) is covered by an insulation membrane (100) made of inorganic insulation material.


7·One other embodiment has one piezoelectric element, one resistance part connected to the piezoelectric element and one rod normally fixed by means of static friction force.

在另一实施例中, 一压电元件与一阻力件相接,该阻力件与该杆件以静摩擦力相接触而固定;

8·In this thesis, we analyze and design the piezoelectric device by finite element simulation.


9·The piezoelectric gyro is a vibration element gyro.


10·The experiment came into use single light path critical angle method, output signals were detected by four-quadrant receiver, micro-displacement drive element were piezoelectric ceramics.
