1·Bob: Really, what would you do with a pick up truck?
2·Bob: Safety first is the best policy. Look at that pick up truck, he is turning into oncoming traffic.
3·A truck playing music comes to people's doors to pick up their garbage.
4·A truck driver working for the project is then sent to pick it up and take it to a shelter.
5·Three of your friends went off a bridge in a pick-up truck. Ralph was driving.
6·When we arrived on Long Island, Noel, one of the nicest people on an island that has its share, pulled up in a salt-encrusted truck to pick Jill and me up.
7·There is also the question of the eco-car's potential impact on the pick-up truck sector.
8·As one commentator puts it, a typical red-shirt villager probably has a secondary education, a pick-up truck and a healthy scepticism of Bangkok officials.
9·Get down on the floor with your kids and pick up a doll, truck, or ball.
10·Nine days after the guilty verdict, someone drove a pick-up truck through the glass doors of the da's office at high speed, then backed up and roared off.