1·Why might the author have chosen that color, sound or physical description?
2·A physical description of the material, including its color and physical form.
3·If it fits the physical description of bullying, then bullying or infraction A37 is what it is.
4·A woman called and asked, "Do airlines put your physical description on your bag so they know who's luggage belongs to who?"
5·The statistical information will be used to attempt to predict a person's likely physical description, including hair colour, skin colour and eye colour.
6·During the replication and transcription, DNA unwinds the double helix under the control of an enzyme. It is a very complex process beyond a physical description.
7·The physical description came from separate accounts by attendants on the hijacked flight, Northwest Airlines 305, which left Portland, Oregon, bound for Seattle on Nov. 24, 1971.
联邦调查局说这些体貌特征的描述来自于被劫持飞机上的空乘人员。 这个飞机就是1971年11月24日从俄勒冈州波特兰市飞往西雅图的西北航空的305航班。
8·A rule does not encourage one to ask if the fourth grader's act was bullying or teasing; if it fits the physical description of bullying, then bullying or infraction A37 is what it is.
9·An intuitive and physical description of the various measured quantities is given as well as a brief mathematical description and a brief description of how the data are acquired.
10·A physical description of the theoretical basis of the judgement of identifiability has been given, but its strict mathematical analysis is omitted on account of space limitation.