1·Physical conditioning is far from the only area in which Jackman is working hard.
2·Years of physical conditioning and training honed him into one of the most feared bounty hunters in the underworld.
3·As a final note, it may be best for some climbers to engage in physical conditioning that is not sport-specific in nature.
4·After same training load, the swimmers with better performance and recovery of heart rate may indicate the good physical conditioning.
5·I think that when today, when I again had a serious physical conditioning to the needs of the knowledge to tell you, my heart is still warm and satisfying.
6·Good physical conditioning is necessary to push one through the tough terrain, but accurate navigation skills are key to finding controls and minimizing the distance traveled.
7·The philosophy of Thai Boxing is t0 train the Body, mind and heart, show patience and persistence with yourself. Physical conditioning is useless without developing concentration.
8·The control of the process of 100m runners' physical conditioning can offer an objective basis to work out training programs and be helpful to the adjustment of training process in time.
9·Conditioning isn't always to blame. Numerous factors, including physical activity, metabolism and hormones, play a role in obesity.
10·You usually need to perform some type of signal conditioning on analog signals that represent physical phenomena.