1·The pharmaceuticals industry can be used to illustrate economies of scale in relationships.
2·Perhaps the only safe job at the top of the pharmaceuticals industry today is that of interim chief executive.
3·The mixer is suitable for mixing the dry granules in pharmaceuticals industry and other relative industries.
4·Nowadays, in the mandi era, a large number of expert and new fresh troop emerge prominently in pharmaceuticals industry.
5·There's strong potential for pharmaceuticals industry besides cooperation in other services sector where India has strengths and advantages.
6·The pharmaceuticals industry has seen massive consolidation, for example: of 42 American drugs firms that existed in 1988, only 11 remained in 2012.
7·In the past 20 years, the pharmaceuticals industry has often looked for inspiration to the thousands of natural products used in traditional Chinese medicine.
8·But as chief executive of AstraZeneca, a big British drugs firm, his brimming self-confidence is a reminder of the genuine long-term promise of the pharmaceuticals industry.
9·This PHE is generally used in the oil and gas industry, in petrochemical and chemical applications, in the automobile and pharmaceuticals industry, as well as in paper manufacturing.
10·But executives at Indian pharmaceuticals groups say liquidity problems have also affected their industry.