pell mell

adj. 慌乱的,乱糟糟的(同 pell-mell)
adv. 匆忙地,混乱地(同 pell-mell)


1·There must be another world beside this swamp in which everything is dumped pell mell. It's hard to imagine what it can be like, this heaven that men dream about.


2·All three of us rushed pell-mell into the kitchen.


—— 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

3·The most frightful thoughts rushed pell-mell through his mind.


4·If the Rock's mortgages are sold off in a hurry and its franchise, staff and branches dismantled pell-mell, the taxpayer would lose out. Nobody would pay much for the assets on offer.


5·In the end it has been a pell-mell, 10-day rush to be ready for a day that has been spoken of throughout Kosovo Albanians' lifetimes.

经过十天忙乱的准备之后,最终迎来这一天的讲演,对科索沃的所有阿族人来说, 他们一生都在等待这个日子。

6·The defeated soldiers retreated pell-mell.


7·The spectral bride gave a roar of rage as George ran pell-mell down the church lane and out into the street.


8·But, though the Chinese onslaught looks fractious and pell-mell, conspiracy theorists smell a state-driven attack on the commanding heights of Australia's economy.


9·Accounting problems in its media acquisitions have raised questions about effectiveness of Alibaba's due diligence efforts during its rambunctious, pell-mell acquisition binge.

阿里巴巴收购媒体企业后出现的一些会计问题也已经引发外界质疑。 阿里巴巴在这一系列令人眼花缭乱的收购中进行的尽职调查是否有效?

10·I open the fan, hoping to get narcotization in the zephyr. The breeze blows my sad hair which pell-mell rubs my head, just as the feeling of my heart.


更新时间:2025-03-05 13:49