1·This design is implemented in the FT64 stream processor. By using it, multiple FT64 processors can transfer data through a high-performance network and perform parallel stream computing.
2·In the typical execution of the parallel development pattern for practitioners, the owner of a practitioner development stream performs all of these operations.
3·During harvesting, the movement of changes is from child stream to parent stream, which aligns with the classic parallel development delivery mechanism.
4·A typical message broker system will often be processing multiple requests from the same stream or queue in a parallel, asynchronous manner.
5·Stream driver - USES the TPump protocol to perform the parallel real-time DML operations on tables.
6·A development stream allows parallel development for a controlled artifact; the Rational Testing tools, however, do not support parallel development at this time.
7·MapReduce breaks down a problem into millions of parallel computations in the Map phase, producing as its output a stream of key-value pairs.
8·In the town the Yuquan river winds in many streams across the town and past all the houses. The roads here are parallel to the streams, and the door of each house is facing a stream.
9·The roads here are parallel to the streams, and the door of each house is facing a stream.
10·Compression of geometry instruction stream in distributed parallel rendering systems can alleviate network bandwidth bottleneck.