1·His eye fell on the fragments of the glass paper weight.
2·Pros: Turn your black and blue paper weight back into a working wireless router.
3·"Perhaps we could put it on the table here, for a paper weight," Pierre suggested.
4·Handmade Acrylic Products, Photo Frames, Pharmaceutical Gifts, Paper Weight, Award, Card Holder.
5·The room was darkening. he turned over towards the light and lay gazing into the glass paper weight.
6·In the corner on the gateleg table the glass paper weight which he had bought on his last visit gleamed softly out of the half-darkness.
7·Actually the idea had first floated into his head in the form of a vision of the glass paper weight mirrored by the surface of the gateleg table.
8·In this paper weight value order of Indies is given for evaluating funded subjects by multi-criteria decision to provide a reference method for middle and last term management of funded subjects.
9·As someone noted in this paper a couple of weeks ago, they eat great food and never gain weight.
10·Once the novelty wears off in the first month it 's a paper-weight.