1·Trolleys, nutcracker, bottle opener, paper knife is such a lever.
2·The safety screw is one of the most important parts of the paper knife.
3·The blade of the paper knife of the utility model is convenient to change.
4·The paper knife with infrared display has the advantages that the position of the paper knife is displayed, so files or photos can not be cut slantways in cutting.
5·The main cutting tools aren't complex: paper and scissors or a knife, but clever and skilled paper-cutting artists can make very beautiful artworks.
6·It joined other essentials in my field pouch like extra camera batteries, flash CARDS, Swiss Army knife, toilet paper, notebook, granola bar, bottled water and luck.
7·The Christina school district attracted similar controversy in 2007 when it expelled a seventh-grade girl who had used a utility knife to cut Windows out of a paper house for a class project.
8·One must grasp the knife in an upright fashion and press evenly on the paper with some strength.
9·The presence of such — and — such a paper-knife or book is thus determined before my eyes.
10·A new scalpel-microwave knife is described in this paper.