1·When coincidence between horizontal sync and oscillator frequency is detected, the search mode is replaced by a normal PLL operation.
2·Depending on the oscillator frequency of the target system and the baudrate which should be used, it might be necessary to change the reload value of a baudrate timer.
3·The phase detecting error caused by local oscillator frequency drift and non-synchronization of measurement signal and gate signal is eliminated and the measurement speed is improved at the same time.
4·Frequency Synthesizer (FS) is a very important block, which is used in a wireless transceiver as a local oscillator for frequency translation and channel selection.
5·The' main factors resulting in local frequency tracking error are analyzed based on the principles of the tracking local oscillator for frequency agile radars of rotary tuning magnetron type.
6·Single frequency source is usually used as local oscillator in communication system and radar system, also as a reference clock in digital circuits, so it is a extensive-applied technique.
7·Quartz crystal oscillator is one of the most stability frequency references.
8·To use a crystal unit as an oscillator, its oscillated frequency is required to be stable against temperature variations.
9·The maximum frequency of RC-bridge oscillator is 16.67% of gain bandwidth product of amplifier analyzed based on a first-order single time constant lowpass function model.
10·The loop design of the passive atomic clock is discussed to accomplish the transfer of the frequency accuracy and stability from the atomic resonance to the locked oscillator.