1·This article will be delivered to you in an original manufacturer-boxing.
2·Warranty issues for a few items must be handled by the original manufacturer.
3·This article will be delivered to you with an original manufacturer guarantee card.
4·A third party that performs outsourced storage, order packing, shipment and tracking activities for the original manufacturer or distributor.
5·An exploration is firstly done on the cooperation relationship of the original manufacturer in the supply chain in returned logistics guided by the theory of value chain.
6·The effective date of this contract shall commence upon the date of signature and seal by parties hereto, which shall terminate on end and conclusion of guarantee period by original manufacturer.
7·Original equipment manufacturer (OEM) systems might use this article as a reference for their own system identification generation.
8·Or does Google plan to extend its digital mastery into the automotive industry as a supplier, partner, or original equipment manufacturer?
9·Original equipment manufacturer (OEM)/reseller license: This license would be most appropriate if you plan to repackage or sell Ext JS as a software development library.
原始设备生产商(OEM)/转售商许可证:如果您打算对 Ext JS 进行重新打包,或者作为软件开发库销售 Ext JS,这种许可证是最合适的。
10·Aerostaff Australia is a component manufacturer of high-precision aircraft components and assemblies for large aerospace original equipment manufacturers.