1·According to the finding of a new UN report, the world wastes about one sixth of the food each year.
2·So, it's roughly one sixth for the homework.
3·It also has one sixth of all smoking related deaths worldwide.
4·Now, this is supposed to be one sixth, but I know I don't want any transcendental numbers here.
5·A swimming pool can simulate the weightlessness of the ISS but not the moon's gravity-one sixth of Earth's.
6·The silent hunger crisis - affecting one sixth of all of humanity - poses a serious risk for world peace and security.
7·So we’ll be increasing the ranks of the insured by more than 15% at a cost that is less than one sixth of 1 year’s growth in national health care expenditures.
8·Analysts at HSBC, a bank, reckon that the full cost of producing power from wind turbines, for instance, is about one sixth the cost of producing it from photovoltaic plants.
9·Not that I believe the extent of mortality fairly traceable to it, is by any means so great as has been stated for it is rated as high as one sixth of all the children who undergo it.
10·More than one billion people — one sixth of the world's population - live in extreme poverty, lacking the safe water, proper nutrition, basic health care and social services needed to survive.