1·To the Editor, I am writing as a member of One on One, the sixth grade mentoring (指导) group.
2·Bill's future might be as a "personal tutor", providing kids with one on one help for different subjects and topics.
3·Course assistants returned to the course for a couple of hours a week, to help you, one on one with office hours, with problem sets.
4·ONE ON ONE In the afternoon I do some private lessons at people’s homes.
一对一 在下午我会去顾客的家里做一些私人课程。
5·I’m working on being bold – whether it’s in a one on one conversation or in a presentation.
6·Talking one-on-one with people is not his idea of fun.
—— 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
7·Holloway was beaten in a one-on-one with Miklosko just before half-time.
—— 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
8·The one-on-one music therapy sessions each lasted 60 minutes and took place twice a week.
9·The 13-year-old boy recently got wide attention from netizens (people who use the Internet) in China when a video of his excellent dribbling (带球) skills in a one-on-one situation was posted online.
10·Smith says he'll provide services ranging from formal seminars to on-farm work-shops on holistic management, to one-on-one hand-holding and an almost 24/7 phone hotline for farmers who are converting.