1·One Liner, i. e. The Ultimate Racing Game.
2·The software also provides you with a one liner describing the man in the snap.
3·Thee software also provides you with a one liner describing the man in the snap.
这个软件还随照片附赠一行描述颜值特征的话。 。
4·But isn't there a lot more to human connection than one liner status updates, photos posted online, "thumbs up" and the other relatively mechanistic interactions that people have on Facebook?
5·Instead of fixing indexpage.pl myself (a fine exercise, but one I had no time for at 2 AM), I used a one-liner.
我使用了一个一行程序,而不是自己动手修正indexpage . pl(这是个很好的练习,但是像我这样的人在凌晨两点是没空的)。
6·It is interesting as an exercise, but in practice the one-liner would become 20-30 lines of unnecessary code.
作为练习这会很有趣,但是实际上一行程序可能会变成20 - 30行不必要的代码。
7·Editing files, for instance, can be a simple one-liner if you want to replace one word with another.
8·Fresh: Use lip liner one shade darker than the natural color of your lips.
9·Although it's simple, the disadvantage of this one-liner is that it creates a new file.
10·"The one-liner, he says, was" invented, or at any rate brought to the forefront, by Benjamin Franklin.