1·Hoping to understand what's happening in those clouds, epigenetics researchers have focused on biochemical switches that turn genes on and off.
2·The turning on and off these switches is usually accompanied by a change in shape — “off” the biomolecule lies flat, “on” and it gets folded;
3·These switches turn on and off all the time, controlling how our cells work and how we respond to our environments.
4·In plants, for example, it is one of the things that switches other genes on and off at their promoter sites.
5·Genes are not blueprints - they're more like switches that get turned on and off.
6·Instead, for most people, it switches on and off like a light switch.
7·Researchers have engineered a benign virus that, when injected into the brain, makes the ion channels—the switches that turn cells on and off—responsive to light.
8·Scientists have even engineered artificial switches to start glowing or giving off some kind of electrochemical or biochemical signal once they are switched "on."
9·The lights go off, and my imagination switches on.
10·Examine the control panel, operating instrument and auto components, all the protection switches are on OFF position or STOP position.